• #305, 'B' Block, Mittal Towers, M.G.Road, Bangalore - 560001

12 November 2023

Civil Society And The Climate Change

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Together and Inclusion - Meaning of Samisti

What is Samisti?

SamiSTi in Sanskrit means ‘offering to GOD’ and also in other languages it means collective efforts.

Samisti is joining efforts of volunteers, family, friends, influential leaders, corporates to bring a positive change in the world


How can you help?

  • Become a volunteer
  • Offer a donation
  • Take up a pilot project
  • Refer interested people
  • Refer a corporate sponsor

Samisti Covid-19 Response

In response to the severe 2nd wave of covid-19 pandemic in India, Samisti decided to join hands with other volunteer groups, NGOS to address the immediate and short term needs of impacted communities including patients and their families. Samisti ran a fund donation campaign which had an overwhelming response. Thanks to all the donors of Samisti who provided funds generously and swiftly . Samisti partenered with other organisations in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Tirupati to deliver PPE kits, serve or fund cooked meals, donate Covid-19 monitoring kits and medicines.